Saturday, November 13, 2010

Have I Done Any Good in the World Today?

I have recently been pondering on something that is central to missionary work; service.  I have no idea how many people I have helped move, cords of wood I have helped chop, animals I have helped taken care of, bales of hay that I have stacked, and all the other random acts of service I have been a part of while on my mission.

We read in the scriptures all the time the necessity and commandment to serve one another (See Matthew 25:31-40 and Mosiah 2:17). Something I have realized is that genuine service does not have to include a 26-ft U-Haul trailer and five hours of moving boxes. Service can simply be saying hello or opening a door for someone. In the end, as long as we serve is what our Heavenly Father is looking for. So take some time this week and try to serve someone each day. Enjoy a short video clip of President Thomas S. Monson discussing service.

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